Saskia Faelens

Things are coming

You told me…
Things are coming
Brace yourself
The images were clear

You told me…
Build yourself
Stand your ground
The experiences were clear

You told me…
Trust us
We are by your side
The signs were clear

You told me
Shine bright sweet one
It is necessary
The people to support were clear

But you never told me it would be like this.
Sooooo challenging.
Why like this?
So many options you could have chosen.
Why this one?

I know.
You’ve given me the explanation.
Many times.

It is needed.
It is necessary.
It is for the better.
Us humans need to learn.
The time has come.
No turning back.

But I keep thinking: “Why? Why like this? Isn’t there another way?”

And you bring me back to the moment where I was begging you to help me push my best friend in the direction that was needed. Because I could see all her suffering. I wanted her to be released from it all. You explained to me that it doesn’t work like that. And that it was also not my task. She had to make the conscious and brave decision for herself.

So sweet one understand and know:
As experiences are presented to you to grow.

So do we present experiences to humankind to grow.

And do not shy away from the task that is yours to carry and sent out.

As much as you want to by times. There’s no turning back.

Pull yourself together.

Time and time again.

Lift yourself up.

Time and time again.

Shin up high.






By all means do not ever stop!

Keep going!